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Business Organization Manual DOWNLOAD PDF Examples

Download Company Organization Manual DOWNLOAD Example PDF
Know and learn everything about it Organization Manual Here we will provide you with all the information you need to know about this Manual, we refinish all the content so that you can understand how it is developed and forms a Organizational Manual.

Table of Contents

What is an Organization Manual

El Organization and functions manual It is an administrative instrument that is used to support the correct coordination of all the people who are part of an organization. Organizational structure.

It is designed for spread lines of authority and responsibility, as well as to publicize the objectives and functions of each and every one of the positions that are part of a company or a government institution.

An organization manual is a essential document for any company or institution that seeks to establish a clear and efficient structure in its operation. This document provides detailed guidance on an organization's procedures, policies and responsibilities, and is crucial to ensuring that all members of the company are aligned and working towards the same goal.

Organization and Functions Manual

Through the Organizational Structure Manual, It is possible to know and fill out the position forms, since the organization manual documents the organizational structure of the administrative units of a company or government organization.

It is mainly used to induct new personnel, as well as as a reference for the promotion, recruitment, selection and hiring of personnel.

It is also an element of mandatory consultation for the entities that evaluate or seek the administrative optimization of a company or state institution.

Importance of the Organization Manual

The value of the organization manual, as a work instrument, lies in the information contained in it, therefore keeping it updated allows the objectives for which it was prepared to be met.

Your goal is provide information necessary for the development of the supported functions by rules, in addition to give the objectives of the company's administration.


Organization and functions manual of a company

Below we will let you know which elements should make up a organization manual, as well as the explanation of how you should develop each one and what information you should include in each topic.

  1. Introduction.
  2. Objective of the manual.
  3. Historical background.
  4. Legal framework.
  5. Attributions.
  6. Mission and vision.
  7. Organic structure.
  8. Organization chart.
  9. Objective and functions.
  10. Glossary of terms.




Introduction Manual of Organization of a Company
Introduction Manual of Organization of a Company

It refers to the explanation that addresses the reader about the content of the manual, its usefulness and aims and purposes general principles that are intended to be fulfilled through it.

Includes information on how it will be used, who, how and when will make revisions and updates.

It is recommended that when formulating the introduction, you use a simple vocabulary, for the purpose of facilitate your understanding; Likewise, that it fully understands the following items:

  • Purpose and utility.
  • Synthesis of content.
  • Scope of its application.
  • Areas that participated in the preparation of the manual.
  • Importance of keeping this manual permanently updated.
  • The writing must be concise, clear and understandable.
  • The introduction must be written in a maximum of three pages.

Objective of the manual

Objectives of the Business Organization Manual
Objectives of the Business Organization Manual

In this section you must express the purpose to be achieved with the application of the manual.

Provide a technical-administrative instrument that regulates the preparation of manuals with uniformity, content and presentation that allows optimizing efficiency in the organization and operation of administrative units.

The objective must be as specific as possible, and his clear writing and in short paragraphs; Furthermore, the first part of its content must express: WHAT IS DONE; and the second, WHAT IT IS DONE FOR.

The description of the objectives begin with a verb in the infinitive, and in a maximum of five lines.

Historical Background

Historical Background of the Business Organization Manual
Historical Background of the Business Organization Manual

They will be announced main transformations in the organization and operation of the corresponding administrative unit, in chronological order indicating the legal-administrative provisions that have given rise to and/or modified its organizational structure.

Legal framework

Legal Framework and Legacies of the Business Organization Manual
Legal Framework and Legacies of the Business Organization Manual

In this part of the manual legal provisions are mentioned related by hierarchical order, that give rise to the organization, that establish its creation and its powers, as well as those that regulate its operation.

The current legal-administrative documents must be ordered and prioritized, in descending order, as shown below:

  1. Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.
  2. Laws.
  3. Codes.
  4. Regulations.
  5. Decrees.
  6. Agreements.
  7. Agreements.
  8. Circulars and/or Officials.
  9. Regulatory-Administrative Documents (manuals, guides or catalogues).
  10. Other provisions (documents that due to their nature cannot be included in the previous classification will be noted).

The numbers must be clearly and precisely indicated.names of legal systems and administrative and cite its reference number (chapter, article, section and, where applicable, subsection letter), date of publication or issue, as well as its last amendment. The chronological order in which each provision was issued must be followed.


Powers that an Organization Manual must have
Powers that an Organization Manual must have

From a legal point of view, Attributions are means to achieve ends.

In the case of administrative bodies, the powers are represented by the powers established by the Law.

The powers They give their breadth and their limitation, determine their scope of competence.

It should be make a verbatim transcription and complete the powers of the administrative unit based on the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration and the Internal Regulations of the Agency in question.

Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision of the Organization Manual for Companies
Mission and Vision of the Organization Manual for Companies

The Mission is the reason for being of the institution, which explains its existence. It is a high-level statement that describes your fundamental purpose.

The Vision represents the scenario highly desired by the Department that one would like to achieve in a long-term period.

Organic structure

Organic Structure - Business Organization Manual
Organic Structure – Business Organization Manual

The Hierarchical levels and the relationship between each of the bodies that make up the authorized structure, adhering to the established organizational code number. Next to the organizational code number, the names of the bodies that make up the administrative unit will be noted in accordance with the authorized structure. .

The description of the organic structure must correspond to its graphic representation in the organization chart, both with regard to the nomenclature of the administrative units and their hierarchical level and the order of presentation.

They should first represent the substantive areas and then the support ones, as long as they are part of the authorized organic structure.

To exercise a better direction and control function by the command units, It is recommended that these do not have more than 6 subordinate areas.

A command unit justifies its existence when the assigned functions are consistent with the powers conferred and when more than one subordinate area depends on it.

Organizational chart

Organization chart within the Organization Manual for companies
Organization chart within the Organization Manual for companies

The ordered relationship of the areas that make up an administrative unit must be graphically represented, systematically reflecting the location of the administrative body, its integration, its hierarchical levels and its lines of authority and advice.

In an organizational chart the type of units that make up a structure are located, their relationships, the characteristics of dependency, and their basic functions.

The organization charts, due to their characteristics:

  • They provide a formal image of the organization, becoming an authorized source of consultation.
  • They indicate the hierarchical relationships that the main bodies of the institution maintain among themselves.
  • They make it easier for staff to know their location and relationships within the organic structure.
  • In organizational tasks, they help to discover possible duplications or dispersions in tasks or attributions; fractures in the processes; command dualities; omissions; inconsistency in relationships
    dependency and hierarchical levels; and insufficient or excessive levels of supervision and control.
  • They constitute a valuable element in supporting the induction and training of workers.
  • In general, they assist in the analysis, knowledge and design of the organization.

To prepare the organization charts, the following must be observed:

  • Know the organization of the Unit.
  • Draw the organization chart with figures of similar dimensions to represent each area and with connecting lines to indicate the relationships between them.
  • Locate each area represented, according to the hierarchical level that corresponds to it.
  • Connect all areas dependent on the head of the Unit, through a single line.
  • Represent the substantive areas first and then the support areas.
  • Establish the main authority relationship, through connecting lines.
  • Represent advisory areas (staff), using dashed lines placed perpendicular to the main authority or area.
  • Use a dashed line transversally to indicate deconcentrated organs or units.
  • The organizational chart must represent the hierarchical levels that have been authorized, from the highest level to the department head.

Objectives and functions

Objectives and Functions Organization Manual
Objectives and Functions Organization Manual


The objective is the purpose to be fulfilled, and that clearly specifies what and why a certain action is planned and should be carried out.

A maximum of three objectives will be set per area.

The description of The objectives will begin with a verb in the infinitive, and The use of qualifying adjectives will be avoided.

Describe the purpose towards which the resources and efforts of an administrative unit are directed, for the fulfillment of an institutional activity that corresponds by attribution to a dependency and/or administrative unit.

Administrative units may participate in the fulfillment of one or several activities of the institution, so their objectives will reflect their contribution to their fulfillment.

For the target:

Specify the purpose that is intended to be achieved the area through the development of its functions, that is, the WHAT, the HOW and the WHY, and must be congruent with the objective of the higher area on which it depends functionally and hierarchically.

When there is more than one objective, rank them according to their importance and with
relation to their powers.


They constitute the set of related activities, through which the development of the attributions and objectives set will be achieved. The functions must arranged according to importance and nature of the area in question.

The functions described for each administrative body will be the most relevant in relation to the scope of its competence and will include only those of a substantive nature. A maximum of ten is recommended.

The description of the functions must begin with a verb in the infinitive.

For the description of the functions at the hierarchical levels of General Management, Area Management, Sub-Directorate and Department Head, a series of verbs with which the description can begin are listed below.

Organization Manual Functions
Organization Manual Functions

Substantive Functions:

Are those that identify the essence of the administrative unit for the fulfillment of the objectives.

They will be derived from the powers conferred on each administrative unit in the current Internal Regulations of the Unit.

Writing functions It must have the characteristics of being truthful, brief, clear and precise.

Each function will begin with a verb in the infinitive, taking special care to ensure that the functions assigned to higher hierarchical level bodies have the corresponding support in their subordinate units.

Support functions:

They are those that facilitate and contribute to the achievement of substantive functions, since they are part of the administrative process and due to their technical-administrative nature, they are mandatory and of general application by all agencies.

The objective must be stated and then the functions of each of the areas that make up the administrative unit, heading each description with the name of the area.

Glossary of terms

Glossary of Terms in the Business Organization Manual
Glossary of Terms in the Business Organization Manual

It is a alphabetical list of definitions of those words or terms used in the document and that may cause confusion because they do not always have the same meaning or are not widely known.

To write it, it is recommended to adhere to the following criteria:

  1. Define as clearly and concisely as possible the technical-administrative terms indicated in the manual.
  2. Include only terms that are confusing.
  3. Arrange the terms alphabetically.
  4. Describe the concepts without including the term you intend to define.

Among the most important aspects that an organization manual should include are:

  1. The organizational structure of the company: This includes information about the different departments, their roles and responsibilities, and how they are interconnected.
  2. Politics and procedures: This includes information on how daily tasks should be carried out, as well as policies related to compliance, security, and ethics.
  3. Employee Responsibilities: This includes information about the specific responsibilities of each member of the company, and how they should work together to achieve the organization's goals.
  4. Contact information: It's important to include contact information for different areas of the company, so employees can get help quickly if they have questions or need to resolve problems.



Conclusion About the Organization Manual

In summary, a PDF organization manual is an essential document for any company that wants to establish a clear and efficient structure in its operation. It should include information about the organizational structure, policies and procedures, employee responsibilities, and contact information. By having an organization manual in PDF, the company will be prepared to face any challenge and achieve its objectives.

If you have come this far, we congratulate you since now you know everything about the organization and functions manual of a company as well as all the elements that this includes organizational structure manual.

It is also important that you know that this entire procedure is also applicable for the organization manual of a Mexican company Therefore you have all the details so you can learn how to develop it.


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Organization Manual Examples

An organization manual in PDF format is an excellent option since it is easily accessible to all members of the company, and can be easily shared and updated. Additionally, the PDF format allows for better presentation and layout of the document, making it easier to read and follow.

Now we will share some with you Organizational manuals of companies and government offices so that you can consult them and get an idea of ​​how the Business Organization Manuals and government institutions.

  2. Accounting Organization Manual Guide
  3. Water Sales Company Organization Manual
  4. Hospital Organization Manual in Guatemala
  5. Jumex Organization Manual
  6. Organization Manual of the Federal Electricity Commission CFE Mexico
  7. Organization Manual of the Chiapas Health Secretariat
  8. State Police Organization Manual
  9. Organization Manual of Televisora ​​TELEMAX of Hermosillo Sonora
  10. Restaurant Organization Manual
  11. Organization Manual of a Construction Company
  12. Preparatory School Organization Manual
  13. Organization Manual of a University
  14. IMSS Organization Manual
  15. Issste Organization Manual
  16. Example Organization Manual for a Company
  17. Textile Company Organization Manual
  18. Guadalajara Municipality Organization Manual
  19. Organization Manual Ministry of Economy
  20. Beauty Business Organization Manual
  21. CleanMaster Cleaning Company Organization Manual
  22. CASARECA Soft Drink Organization Manual
  23. Bimbo Organization Manual
  24. Hotel Organization Manual
  25. Organization Manual of the Federal Telecommunications Commission COFETEL

Download Organization Manuals in PDF

